Did you know that a group of rhinos running together is called a crash. That’s because like a juggernaut, nothing can stop them. 


The Rhino Impact Group is facilitating a networking and learning experience called theCRASH. This experience is designed to bring staff on the frontlines of outreach together for collaboration and support. 

The benefits: 

    1. learn and apply time-tested principals

    2. develop strategic relationships

    3. grow your Outreach Ministry

    4. impact your community

Frontlines outreach work is hard but don’t make it harder by reinventing the wheel. We want to make our experience available to save your time and maximize your impact, immediately.

Jamie Waldron and the team she’s brought around her, have engaged tens of thousands of volunteers, worked with hundreds of organizations, managed millions of dollars, and been all over the world. And They’ve boiled it all down into an exclusive experience for you.

Don’t keep doing it all on your own, join theCRASH and get busy busting through the barriers that are holding you back.

The Crash Network

First Tuesdays @ 12:00 EST - monthly meetings with the Crash Network

May 4 - Develop your guiding vision and strategy and discover what makes a great outreach opportunity.

June 1 - Gather and Build Your Team. Align with Great Outreach Partners

July 6 - Master the planning/execution of great events. And learn to turn individual events into initiatives.

August 3 - Strategically manage benevolence and care. Discuss how to inspire generosity and effectively steward resources.

September 7 - Discover ways you can tell the story of the impact and report data effectively.

Zoom in for personal application and leadership development

two, one-hour zoom meetings each month:

  1. customize the Crash Network teachings to your unique situation

  2. invest in your personal leadership development.

The cost vs. the value of the Crash Network.

The cost of being part of the Crash Network is $5,000 per person but the value of developing strategic relationships and leveraging other’s experience for your benefit is priceless.

Contact Us.

(704) 618-4521

2128 Winthrop Chase Drive
Charlotte, NC 28212

For more information about the CRASH Network or one-on-one coaching please fill out this form and someone from our team will reach out to you with more details and to schedule a time to connect.